Slavic Books in Print
by Ross Publishing

Recent Books in English:
- Essays on Slavic Collections, Bibliography & Bookculture, 1984-2008
- Visual Resources from Russia and Eastern Europe in the New York Public Library (Only available as a PDF.)
- Slavic and Russian Books and Libraries: Occasional Essays and Notes, By Edward Kasinec and Robert H. Davis, Jr.
- The Gering Bibliography of Russian Émigré Military Publications, 2nd edition, revised and enlarged by Anatol Shmelev, in English and Russian (Only available as a PDF.)
- A Dark Mirror: Romanov and Imperial Palace Library Materials in the Holdings of The New York Public Library
- Rare Polonica in The New York Public Library: Books of the 15th--18th Centuries (1 copy left)
- Russian and Ukrainian Avant-Garde and Constructivist Books And Serials in the New York Public Library: A First Census & Listing of Artists Represented (out of print)
Other Slavic Books in English:
- The Gorbachev Bibliography: Books and Articles in English on Perestroika in the USSR (1985-1991) (1 copy left)
- Harbin Russian Imprints: Bibliography as History, 1898-1961 (Only available as a PDF.)
- Russo-Greek Papers, 1863-1874 (Only available as a PDF.)
Books in Russian:
- Bibliografiia gazetnykh sobranii russkogo istoricheskogo arkhiva za gody 1917-1921
- Desiat' rokiv Ukraïns'koho istorychnoho kabinetu (1930-1940) (in Ukrainian)
- Istoriia mirovoi slavistiki (2 copies left)
- Katalog Evreiskikh Rukopisei SPbF IV RAN
- Politika, ideologiia, obshchestvennaia zhizn’ i nauchnye raboty russkoi emigratsii: Bibliografiia. Iz kataloga Russkogo zagranichnogo istoricheskogo arkhiva za rubezhom, 1918-1945 gg. ) (Only available as a PDF)
- REPERTOIRE OF THE BOLSHOI THEATER, 1776-1955 by Vassily Fedorov. New English Edition coming, November 1, 2021..
Khristianskaia periodicheskaia pechat' na russkom iazyke, 1801-1917 [Catalog of Russian Christian Serials 1801-1917], Andreev, Grigorii Leonidovich. Preface by Rev. A. Troitskii. Introduction by Edward Kasinec and Robert H. Davis, Jr. In Russian. (Only available as a PDF)
- Sibirskaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia (out of print)
- Slavianovedenie v SSSR
- Putevoditel' po nauchnym obshchestvam Rossii
- Russkii bibliograficheskii slovar’, Bukvy "V" i "T"
- Ukazatel' k sovetskim dissertatsionnym issledovaniiam: iuzhnye i zapadnye slaviane
- Russian and Non-Russian Folklore on Audio CDs from the Pushkinskii Dom
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