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Decennial Census of the United States


Dubester Nos. 955-1159
90 Volumes; 70,000+ pages

All volumes printed on acid-free paper in library bindings.

$30,000 for the complete set
(Save $3,000)

(But you can order just the books for your state.)

Click here for ordering information.

Note that in all entries the year and place of publication have been omitted because of the repetitive nature of the information. All books were published in Washington, DC by the GPO between 1940 and 1947 except for those never actually published by the GPO and published here for the first time. Similarly the names of authors have been omitted. Note also: "Dub." = Dubester, who was the author of a comprehensive catalog of all Census Department publications between 1790 and 1950 in which he assigned a unique number to each publication.

Section One: Population
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. I. RPI # 150. Number of inhabitants. vi, 1236 p. (Dub. # 955). 088354-568-3........................................................$400

Vol. II. Characteristics of the Population. 7 parts.............................................................................................................$2700

        RPI # 151. Part 1. United States summary and Alabama-District of Columbia.
        xiii, 977 p. (Dub. # 957). 088354-569-1.....................................................................................................................$400

        RPI # 152. Part 2. Florida-Iowa. x, 1002 p. (Dub. # 958). 088354-570-5..............................................................$400

        RPI # 153. Part 3. Kansas-Michigan. x, 934 p. (Dub. # 959). 088354-571-3.........................................................$400

        RPI # 154. Part 4. Minnesota-New Mexico. x, 1020 p. (Dub. # 960). 088354-572-1...........................................$400

        RPI # 155. Part 5. New York-Oregon. x, 1054 p. (Dub. # 961). 088354-573-X.....................................................$400

        RPI # 156. Part 6. Pennsylvania-Texas. x, 1096 p. (Dub. # 962). 088354-574-8...................................................$400

        RPI # 157. Part 7. Utah-Wyoming. x, 752 p. (Dub. # 963). 088354-575-6............................................................$400

Vol. III. The Labor Force. 5 parts.....................................................................................................................................$1750

        RPI # 158. Part 1. United States Summary. viii, 302 p. (Dub. # 965). 088354-576-4............................................$250

        RPI # 159. Part 2. Alabama-Indiana. viii, 1052 p. (Dub. # 966). 088354-577-2.....................................................$400

        RPI # 160. Part 3. Iowa-Montana. viii, 1014 p. (Dub. # 967). 088354-578-0.........................................................$400

        RPI # 161. Part 4. Nebraska-Oregon. viii, 1010 p. (Dub. # 968). 088354-579-9...................................................$400

        RPI # 162. Part 5. Pennsylvania-Wyoming. viii, 1082 p. (Dub. # 969). 088354-580-2..........................................$400

Vol. IV. Characteristics by age: Marital Status, relationship, education. 4 parts............................................................$1250

        RPI # 163. Part 1. United States Summary. xii, 184 p. (Dub. # 971). 088354-581-0...............................................$150

        RPI # 164. Part 2. Alabama-Louisiana. vii, 945 p. (Dub. # 972). 088354-582-9.....................................................$400

        RPI # 165. Part 3. Maine-North Dakota. vii, 903 p. (Dub. # 973). 088354-583-7..................................................$400

        RPI # 166. Part 4. Ohio-Wyoming. vii, 919 p. (Dub. # 974). 088354-584-5..........................................................$400

Section One: Population, Main Section, 4 Volumes in 17 parts............................................................................ $5,900

Section One: Population-Supplemental Volumes
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. [V]. RPI #167, 460 p., 088354-585-3........................................................................................................................$300
Characteristics of persons not in the labor force, 14 years old and over. Age, sex, color, household relationship, months worked in 1939, and usual major occupation group. vi, 117 p. (Dub. # 975).
Reprinted with: Characteristics of nonwhite population by race. vi, 112 p. (Dub. # 976).
Reprinted with: Comparative occupation statistics for the United States, 1870 to 1940. A comparison of the 1930 and 1940 census occupation and industry classifications and statistics; a comparable series of occupation statistics, 1870 to 1930; and a social-economic grouping of the labor force, 1910 to 1940. xii, 206 p. (Dub. # 977).

Vol. [VI]. RPI #168, 1375 p., 088354-586-1................................................................................................................$400

Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910. Fertility by duration of marriage, based upon tabulations from the Sixteenth and Thirteenth Censuses of the United States: 1940 and 1910. 1947. vi, 338 p. (Dub. # 979).
Reprinted with: Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910. Fertility for States and large cities. vii, 281 p. (Dub. # 980).
Reprinted with: Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910. Standardized fertility rates and reproduction rates. A supplement to the report designated Fertility for States and large cities. 1944. vi, 40 p. (Dub. # 981).
Reprinted with: Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910. Women by number of children ever born. 1945. x, 411 p. (Dub. # 982).
Reprinted with: Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910. Women by number of children under 5 years old. 1945. ix, 265 p. (Dub. # 983).

Vol. [VII]. RPI #169, 337 p., 088354-587-X.................................................................................................................$300

Education. Educational attainment by economic characteristics and marital status, based upon tabulations from the Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940. 1947. vi, 226 p. (Dub. # 985).
Reprinted with:
Education. Educational attainment of children by rental value of home. 1945. iv, 50 p. (Dub. # 986).
Reprinted with:
Education. Education, occupation and household relationship of males 18 to 44 years old. Prepared by the Division of Population, Bureau of the Census, of the Department of Commerce, in cooperation with the Special Services Division of the War Department. iv, 23 p. (Dub. # 987).
Reprinted with:
Estimates of labor force, employment, and unemployment in the United States, 1940 and 1930. 1944. vi, 18 p. (Dub. # 988).

Vol. [VIII]. RPI #170, 1388 p., 088354-588-8..............................................................................................................$400

Internal Migration, 1935 to 1940. Age of migrants. 1946. iv, 382 p. (Dub. # 990). Reprinted with:
Internal Migration, 1935 to 1940. Color and sex of migrants. viii, 490 p. (Dub. # 991). Reprinted with:
Internal Migration, 1935 to 1940. Economic characteristics of migrants. 1946. v, 223 p. (Dub. # 992), Reprinted with:
Internal Migration, 1935 to 1940. Social characteristics of migrants. 1946. vi, 270 p. (Dub. # 993).

Vol. [IX]. RPI #171, 1100 p., 088354-589-6.................................................................................................................$400

The Labor Force (sample statistics). Employment and family characteristics of women. vi, 212 p. (Dub. # 995).
Reprinted with:

The Labor Force (sample statistics). Employment and personal characteristics. vi, 177 p. (Dub. # 996).
Reprinted with:

The Labor Force (sample statistics). Industrial Characteristics. iv, 174 p. (Dub. # 997).
Reprinted with:

The Labor Force (sample statistics). Occupational characteristics. vi, 256 p. (Dub. # 998).
Reprinted with:

The Labor Force (sample statistics). Usual occupation. iv, 63 p. (Dub. # 999).
Reprinted with:

The Labor Force (sample statistics). Wage or salary income in 1939. vi, 194 p. (Dub. # 1000).

Vol. [X]. RPI #172, 960 p., 088354-590-X....................................................................................................................$400

Nativity and Parentage of the white population. Country of origin of the foreign stock by nativity, citizenship, age, and value or rent of home, for States and large cities. iv, 122 p. (Dub. # 1002).
Reprinted with:

Nativity and Parentage of the white population. General characteristics, age, marital status, and education for States and large cities. vi, 279 p. (Dub. # 1003).
Reprinted with:
Nativity and Parentage of the white population. Mother tongue, by nativity, parentage, country of origin, and age for States and large cities. v, 58 p. (Dub. # 1004).
Reprinted with:
Special Report on Institutional Population 14 Years old and over, characteristics of inmates in penal institutions and in institutions for the delinquent, defective and dependent. iv, 361 p. (Dub. # 1005).
Reprinted with:
State of Birth of the Native Population. 1944. viii, 78 p. (Dub. # 1006).
Reprinted with:
Unincorporated Communities, United States, by State. Total population of unincorporated communities having 500 or more inhabitants for which separate figures could be compiled. iv, 32 p. (Dub. # 1007).

Vol. [XI]. RPI #173, 630 p., 088354-591-8..................................................................................................................$400

Families. Employment status; regions and cities of 1,000,000 or more. v, 110 p. (Dub. # 1009).
Reprinted with:
Families. Family wage or salary income in 1939; regions and cities of 1,000,000 or more. iv, 156 p. (Dub. # 1010).
Reprinted with:
Families. Size of family and age of head; regions and cities of 1,000,000 or more. 1944. iv, 127 p. (Dub. # 1011).
Reprinted with:
Families. Types of families; regions and cities of 1,000,000 or more. 1944. vi, 221 p. (Dub. # 1012).

Section One: Population, Main Section, 4 Volumes in 17 parts................................................................................. $5,900
                       Population, Main Section, 21 Volumes in 7 volumes...........................................................................
Section One: Population, Complete, 24 Books........................................................................................................... $8,400

Section Two: Housing
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. I. Data for small areas. vi, 1236 p. 2 parts...............................................................................................................$775

        RPI # 174. Part 1. United States Summary and Alabama-Nebraska. 1943. iii, 936 p.
        (Dub. # 1017). 088354-592-6....................................................................................................................................$400

        RPI # 175. Part 2. Nevada-Wyoming. vii, 802 p. (Dub. # 1018). 088354-593-4..................................................$400

Vol. II. General characteristics. 5 parts..........................................................................................................................$1700

        RPI # 176. Part 1. United States Summary. viii, 200 p. (Dub. # 1020). 088354-594-2........................................$150

        RPI #177. Part 2. Alabama-Indiana. viii, 1019 p. (Dub. # 1021). 088354-595-0....................................................$400

        RPI #178. Part 3. Iowa-Montana. viii, 1037 p. (Dub. # 1022). 088354-596-9........................................................$400

        RPI #179. Part 4. Nebraska-Pennsylvania. viii, 1024 p. (Dub. # 1023). 088354-597-7...........................................$400

        RPI #180. Part 5. Rhode Island-Wyoming. viii, 980 p. (Dub. # 1024). 088354-598-5............................................$400

Vol. III. Characteristics by monthly rent or value. Comprising the third series of household bulletins for the States.
3 parts................................................................................................................................................................................$900

        RPI # 181. Part 1. United States Summary. viii, 302 p. (Dub. # 965). 088354-576-4..............................................$150

        RPI # 182. Part 2. Alabama-Indiana. viii, 1052 p. (Dub. # 966). 088354-577-2.....................................................$400

        RPI # 183. Part 3. Iowa-Montana. viii, 1014 p. (Dub. # 967). 088354-578-0.........................................................$400

Vol. IV. Mortgages on owner-occupied non-farm homes. Comprising the fourth series of housing bulletins for the States.
3 parts................................................................................................................................................................................$400

        RPI # 184. Part 1. United States summary. viii, 97 p. (Dub. # 1030). 088354-602-7.........................................$150

        RPI # 185. Part 2. Alabama-New York. x, 1082 p. (Dub. # 1031). 088354-603-5................................................$400

        RPI # 186. Part 3. North Carolina-Wyoming; including supplement A,
        Mortgages on homes built in 1935-1940; and supplement B,
        Mortgages on homes occupied by nonwhite owners. viii, 1003 p. (Dub. # 1032). 088354-604-3................$400

Section Two: Housing-Supplemental Volumes
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. [V]. RPI #187, 545 p. 088354-605-1.....................................................................................................................$400

Characteristics by Type of Structure. Regions, States, cities of 100,000 or more, and principal metropolitan districts. 1945. viii, 402 p. (Dub. # 1033). Reprinted with:
Index of Reports. 1945. v, 127 p. (Dub. # 1034).

Vol. [VI]. RPI #188, 815 p. 088354-606-X...................................................................................................................$400

Population and Housing. Families. Characteristics of rural farm families. Regions and divisions. iv, 82 p. (Dub. # 1036),
Reprinted with:
Population and Housing. Families. General Characteristics. States, cities of 100,000 or more, and metropolitan districts of 200,000 or more. vi, 332 p., (Dub. # 1037),
Reprinted with:
Population and Housing. Families. Income and rent. Regions, cities of 1,000,000 or more, and metropolitan districts of 1,000,000 or more. v, 237 p., (Dub. # 1038),
Reprinted with:
Population and Housing. Families. Tenure and rent. Regions, cities of 1,000,000 or more, and metropolitan districts of 500,000 or more. iv, 141 p. , (Dub. # 1039).

Section Two: Housing, 4 Volumes in 13 parts and 6 Reports in 2 Supplemental Volumes, 15 books...........................................................................................................................................$4,750

Section Three: Agriculture
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. I. Statistics for counties. Farms and farm property, with related information for farms and farm operators, livestock and livestock products, and crops. First and second series. State reports. 6 parts.............................................................................$2200

        RPI # 189. Part 1. [New England, Middle Atlantic, and East North Central States].xiv, 975 p. (Dub. # 1043).

        RPI #190. Part 2. [West North Central States]. xiv, 857 p. (Dub. # 1044). 088354-608-6.....................................$400

        RPI #191. Part 3. [South Atlantic States]. xiv, 784 p. (Dub. # 1045). 088354-609-41...........................................$400

        RPI #192. Part 4. [East South Central States]. xiv, 485 p. (Dub. # 1046). 088354-610-8......................................$300

        RPI #193. Part 5. [West South Central States]. xiv, 653 p. (Dub. # 1047). 088354-611-6.....................................$350

        RPI #194. Part 6. [Mountain and Pacific States]. xiv, 784 p. (Dub. # 1048). 088354-612-4...................................$400

Vol. II. Statistics for Counties. Value of farm products; farms classified by major source of income; farms classified by value of products.
Third series State reports. 3 Parts........................................................................................................................................$1,050

        RPI #195. Part 1. The Northern States. xiv, 888 p. (Dub. # 1050). 088354-613-2.................................................$400

        RPI #196. Part 2.
The Southern States. xiv, 919 p. (Dub. # 1051). 088354-614-0..................................................$400

        RPI #197. Part 3.
The Western States. xiv, 315 p. (Dub. # 1052). 088354-615-9...................................................$300

Vol. III. RPI #198. General Report. Statistics by subject. , 1092 p. (Dub. # 1053).

Section Three: Agriculture, 3 Volumes in 10 parts................................................................................................... $3,500

Section Three: Agriculture-Supplemental Volumes
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. [IV]. RPI #199, 910 p. 088354-617-5............................................................................................................................$400

Abandoned or Idle Farms. Number and acreage, with classification of those reporting acreage by cause of nonoperation and by year of abandonment. Statistics for counties and a summary for the United States. A special study. vi, 202 p. (Dub. # 1063),
Reprinted with:
Cash rent paid, or payable, by cash tenants and by part owners renting on a cash basis. 1944. vi, 135 p. (Dub. # 1064),
Reprinted with:
Cows milked and dairy products. Number of cows milked, milk produced, disposition of dairy products, and number of cows kept mainly for milk production, classified by number of cows milked, by counties; with related data for other classes of livestock and livestock products, for the States and for the United States. vi, 556 p. (Dub. # 1065)

Vol. [V]. RPI #200, 1280 p. 088354-618-3.....................................................................................................................$400

Crop-sharing contracts. Prepared by James H. Graves, LL.B. Memorandum regarding legal relations and rights of parties when land owned by one is cultivated by the other under agreement to share the crops. The memorandum embraces 14 Southern States. v, 45 p. (Dub. # 1066),
Reprinted with:
Cross-line Acreage. A special study. Farms reporting and acreage by place of enumeration and by location of acreage, with relationship to all farms, by counties, with a summary for the United States: 1940 and 1935. iv, 311 p. (Dub. # 1067),
Reprinted with:
Handbook. Descriptions and illustrations of the uses of agriculture census statistics in education, business, research, and visual analysis; with explanation of the technique and tabulation procedures. iv, 245 p. (Dub. # 1068),
Reprinted with:
Ranking Agricultural Counties. The rank of the leading counties in the United States in agricul­ture and agricultural products, 1940 and 1939, with comparisons, 1930 and 1929. iv, 85 p. (Dub. # 1072),
Reprinted with:
Special Cotton Report. With statistics for counties and a summary for the United States. xv, 265 p. (Dub. # 1073)

Vol. [VI]. RPI #201, 745 p. 088354-619-1..................................................................................................................$400

Special Poultry Report. Statistics by geographic divisions and States for poultry of all kinds on hand and raised; by counties for chickens and chicken egg production by number of chickens on hand; and by counties for farms reporting chickens and turkeys raised by numbers raised. iv, 739 p. (Dub. # 1074)

Vol. [VII]. RPI #202
, 565 p.088354-620-5..................................................................................................................$400

Value of Farm Products by Color and Tenure of Farm Operator. Statistics, by color and tenure of farm operator, on the value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households. Sample data from the Sixteenth Census were used as a basis for obtaining these statistics. The figures are, therefore, subject to sampling errors. A special study, by Irwin Holmes. 1944. iv, 291 p. (Dub. # 1076),
Reprinted with:
Analysis of Specified Farm Characteristics for Farms Classified by Total Value of Products. vi, 221 p. (Dub. # 1077).
Reprinted with:
Farm-Mortgage indebtedness in the United States. 1943-1944. Originally 2-parts (Processed). 1943-1944. xv, 28 p. (Dub. # 1078)

Section Three: Agriculture, 3 Volumes in 10 parts and 12 Reports in 4 Supplemental Volumes,
14 books......................................................................................................

Irrigation and Drainage
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

[Vol. I]. RPI #203, 800 p. 088354-621-3.......................................................................................................................$400

Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Irrigation enterprises, areas, irrigation works, investment, indebtedness, maintenance and operation, water used, pay roll and employees, and irrigated crops, with detailed statistics for drainage basins and counties, and summaries for States and the United States. lxv, 689 p. (Dub. # 1082).
Reprinted with:
Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Tabular and graphic presentation of specified irrigation census statistics. iv, 42 p. (Dub. # 1083).

[Vol. II]. RPI #204, 500 p. 088354-622-1....................................................................................................................$400

Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Land in drainage enterprises, capital invested and drainage works. Statistics for counties with State and United States summaries and a synopsis of drainage laws. xiv, 683 p. (Dubester 1084).
Reprinted with:
Drainage of Alluvial Lands. A Comparison of agriculture within and outside of drainage enterprises in the alluvial lands of the lower Mississippi Valley. iv, 97 p. (Dubester 1086).

Irrigation and Drainage, 4 Reports in 2 volumes...............................................................$775
Section Three: Agriculture, including Irrigation and Drainage, 3 Volumes in 10 parts and 16 Reports in 6 Supplemental Volumes, 16 books......................$5,775

Section Four: Manufactures
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. I. RPI #205. Statistics by Subjects. viii, 438 p. (Dub. # 1089). 088354-623-X.....................................................$300

Vol. II. Reports by Industries. 2 parts................................................................................................................................$775

        RPI #206. Part 1. Groups 1 to 10. ix, 936 p. (Dub. # 1091). 088354-624-8..........................................................$400

        RPI #207. Part 2. Groups 11 to 20. viii, 708 p. (Dub. # 1092). 088354-625-6......................................................$400

Vol. III. RPI #208. Reports for States and Outlying Areas. xii, 1192 p
        (Dub. # 1093). 088354-626-4.....................................................................................................................................$400

Vol. [IV]. RPI #209. 470 p. [Supplement].........................................................................................................................$400
Census of Manufactures: 1939. Man-Hour statistics for 171 selected industries. 189 p. (Dub. # 1094),
Reprinted with:
Changes in Distribution of Manufacturing Wage Earners, 1899-1939. vii, 268 p. (Dub. # 1095).

Section Four: Manufactures, 3 Volumes in 4 parts and 2 Reports in 1 Supplemental Volume, 4 books.........$1,600

Section Five: Mineral Industries
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. I. RPI #210. General Summary and Industry Statistics. viii, 876 p. (Dub. # 1098). 088354-628-0.......................$400

Vol. II. RPI #211. State and County Statistics. vi, 333 p. (Dub. # 1099). 088354-629-9..............................................$300

Section Five: Mineral Industries, 2 Volumes...................................................................................................................$675

Section Six: Business
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. I. Retail Trade: 1939. 3 Parts......................................................................................................................................$1175

        RPI #212. Part 1. United States Summary and Types of Operation, Credit Sales and Receivables, Monthly Employment... xviii, 882 p. (Dub. # 1103). 088354-630-2......................................................$400

        RPI #213. Part 2. Commodity Sales and Analysis by Sales Size. viii, 923 p. (Dub. # 1104). 088354-631-0..................................$400

        RPI #214. Part 3. Kinds of Business, by Areas, States, Counties, and Cities. 1941. vi, 854 p. (Dub. # 1105). 088354-632-9....................................................................................................................................................................$400

Vol. II. RPI #215. Wholesale Trade. xiii, 1058 p. (Dub. # 1106). 088354-633-7.............................................................$400

Vol. III. RPI #216. Service Establishments, Places of Amusement, Hotels, Tourist Courts and Tourist Camps,
1939. xvi, 637 p. (Dub. # 1107) 088354-634-5...............................................................................$350

Vol. IV. RPI #217. Construction: 1939. viii, 397 p. (Dub. # 1108). 088354-635-3..............................................................$300

Vol. V. RPI #218. Distribution of Manufactures Sales, 1939. xii, 206 p. (Dub. # 1109). 088354-636-1..............$300

Section Six: Business, 5 Volumes in 7 parts............................................................................................................$2,500

Section Seven: Geography
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

RPI #219. 590 p. 088354-637-X..................................................................................................................................$350

Areas of the United States: v, 465 p. (Dub. # 1110)
Reprinted with:
Measurement of Geographic Area, v, 120 p. (Dub. # 1111)

Section Eight: Territories & Possessions
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

According to a note in Dubester's Catalog of United States Census Publications 1790-1945, "The following final reports [nos. 1112-1123] were to have been published in a single bound volume entitled... "Territories and Possessions," but such volume was never issued." These 12 reports are now being combined and printed in a single volume for the first time (as part of the Ross Census Reprint Series). We are also incorporating 1124 and 1127-28 because they also deal with the same "outlying areas." All 15 reports were originally published as bulletins by the GPO. The following items comprise RPI # 220.

RPI #220. Territories and Possessions, 750 p. 088354-638-8....................................................................................$400

        1112. Alaska. Population. Characteristics of the population. iv, 20 p.
        1113. Hawaii. Population. Second series. Characteristics of the Population. iv, 35 p.
        1114. Hawaii. Housing. General Characteristics. v, 27 p.
        1115. American Samoa. Population, Agriculture. iv, 12 p.
        1116. Guam. Population, Agriculture. iv, 18 p.
        1117. Panama Canal Zone. Population. iv, 28 p.
        1118-21. Puerto Rico. Population. (Bulletin nos. 1-4).
                Boletín núm. 1. Número de los habitantes (Number of inhabitants). First series. iv, 12 p.
                Boletín núm. 2. Característuicas de la poblacíon (Characteristics of the Population). v, 82 p.
                Boletín núm. 3. Ocupaciones y otras características por edad (Occupations and other characteristics by age). v, 106 p.
                Bulletin No. 4. Migration between municipalities. iv, 81 p.
        1122. Puerto Rico. Viviendas. Características Generales (Housing. General Characteristics). vii, 121 p.
        1123. U.S. Virgin Islands. Population and Housing. General Characteristics. iv, 22 p.
        1124. Agriculture. Territories and Possessions. Reports on agriculture in the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii; and the following possessions:
                Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of United States. v, 306 p.
        1127. Manufactures: 1939. Reports for outlying areas [Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico]. iii, 38 p.
        1128. Business: 1939. Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
        Retail trade, wholesale trade, service establishments, places of amusement, and hotels. iii, 42 p.

Section Nine: General
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. [I]. RPI #221, 780 p. 088354-639-6......................................................................................................................$400
Alphabetical index of occupations and industries. Occupation and industry classifications based on the respective standard classifications.
ii + 607 p., (Dub. # 1129).
Reprinted with:
Census of Manufactures: 1939. Alphabetical list of products. 169 p. (Dub. # 1130).

Vol. [II]. RPI # 222, 620 p. 088354-640-X..................................................................................................................$400

Census of Manufactures: 1939. Industry classifications. 100 p. (Dub. # 1131).
Reprinted with:
Census of Manufactures: 1939. Industry classifications. (Corrected to June 2, 1941). 100 p. (Dub. # 1132).
Reprinted with:
Classified index of occupations. Occupation classification based on the standard classification. ii + 199 p. (Dub. # 1133).
Reprinted with:
Key to the published and tabulated data for small areas (preliminary).Population, housing, business, manufactures, agriculture. 66 p. (Dub. # 1134).
Reprinted with:
United States life tables and actuarial tables 1939-1941. iv + 153 p. (Dub. # 1135)

Vol. [III]. RPI # 223, 1140 p. 088354-641-8................................................................................................................$400

        Vital statistics rates in the United States, 1900-1940. vii + 1051 p. (Dub. # 1136)

Section Nine: General, 8 Reports in 3 Supplemental Volumes................................................................................$1,150

Section Ten: Maps

(Reserved for future supplement, Dubester Nos. 1141.)

Section Eleven: Block Statistics-Dubester # 1153
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

According to Dubester's Catalog of United States Census Publications 1790-1945, # 1153 consists of reports on Housing: ASupplement to the first series [of] housing bulletins for... Block Statistics.... 195 Pamphlets. A series of supplemental bulletins, one for each of the 191 cities which in 1930 had a population of 50,000 or more, showing selected housing statistics, e.g., characteristics of housing (occupancy and tenure, year built...) for the city by blocks. These bulletins, supplementary to the first series housing bulletins, were not incorporated into the final reports. [There are 5 reports for New York City.]

Similarly, # 1159 consists of reports on population and housing: AStatistics for Census tracts.... The 58 bulletins cover 60 tracted cities including adjacent areas in some cases. Population data include sex, age, race, nativity...; and housing data include occupancy status, tenure, value or rent.... These bulletins were not incorporated into the final reports. [Emphasis added.]

Thus both groups of reports were issued as a series of paperback bulletins and were never bound or included in the bound volumes on Population and Housing. This new edition provides all of the reports from both 1153 and 1159 reprinted in two series. The reports in each series are arranged alphabetically by state and then by city, thus handy volumes for any library or researcher concerned with the major cities in a single state. All of the data pertains to 1940. Most reports have at least one map, and most of the longer reports in # 1153 have several. Page counts are approximate.

Vol. I. RPI # 225, 695 p. 088354-643-4........................................................................................................................$350
Alabama: Birmingham, Mobile, Montgomery; Arkansas: Little Rock; California: Berkeley, Fresno, Glendale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, Pasadena, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose.

Vol. II. RPI # 226, 500 p. 088354-644-2........................................................................................................................$350
Colorado: Denver, Pueblo; Connecticut: Bridgeport, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, Waterbury; District of Columbia: Washington; Delaware: Wilmington; Florida: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa; Georgia: Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Savannah.

Vol. III. RPI # 227, 715 p. 088354-645-0........................................................................................................................$350
Illinois: Chicago, Cicero, Decatur, East St. Louis, Evanston, Oak Park, Peoria, Rockford, Springfield;
Indiana: E. Chicago, Evansville, Ft. Wayne, Gary, Hammond, Indianapolis, South Bend, Terre Haute; Iowa: Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Sioux City.

Vol. IV. RPI # 228, 755 p. 088354-646-9........................................................................................................................$350
Kansas: Kansas City, Topeka, Wichita; Kentucky: Covington, Louisville; Louisiana: New Orleans, Shreveport; Maine: Portland; Maryland: Baltimore; Massachusetts: Boston, Brockton, Cambridge, Fall River, Holyoke, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Medford, New Bedford, Newton, Quincy, Somerville, Springfield, Worcester.

Vol. V. RPI # 229, 565 p. 088354-647-7........................................................................................................................$350
Michigan; Dearborn, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Hamtramck, Highland Park, Jackson, Kalamazoo,
Lansing, Pontiac, Saginaw; Minnesota: Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul.

Vol. VI. RPI # 230, 555 p. 088354-648-5........................................................................................................................$350
Missouri: Kansas City, Springfield, St. Joseph, St. Louis; Nebraska: Lincoln, Omaha; New Hampshire: Manchester; New Jersey: Atlantic City, Bayonne, Camden, E. Orange, Elizabeth, Hoboken, Irvington, Jersey City, Newark, Passaic, Paterson, Trenton, Union City.

Vol. VII. RPI # 231, 800 p. 088354-649-3......................................................................................................................$350
New York: Albany, Binghamton, Bronx, see NYC, Brooklyn, see NYC, Buffalo, Manhattan, see NYC,
Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, New York City, Niagara Falls, Queens, see NYC, Richmond, see NYC, Rochester, Schenectady, Staten Island See NYC, Syracuse, Troy, Utica, Yonkers.

Vol. VIII. RPI # 232, 800 p.
North Carolina: Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem; Ohio: Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Columbus, Dayton, Hamilton, Lake­wood, Springfield, Toledo, Youngstown; Oklahoma: Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Oregon Portland.

Vol. IX. RPI # 233, 680 p. 088354-157-2........................................................................................................................$350
Pennsylvania: Allentown, Altoona, Bethlehem, Chester, Erie, Harrisburg, Johns­town, Lancaster, McKeesport, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, York; Rhode Island: Pawtucket, Providence.

Vol. X. RPI # 234, 615 p. 088354-158-0.........................................................................................................................$350
South Carolina: Charleston, Columbia; Tennessee: Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville; Texas: Austin, Beaumont, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Galveston, Houston, Port Arthur, San Antonio, Waco.

Vol. XI. RPI # 235, 525 p. 088354-159-9........................................................................................................................$350
Utah: Salt Lake City; Virginia: Norfolk, Richmond, Roanoke; Washington: Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma; West Virginia: Charleston, Huntington, Wheeling; Wisconsin: Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, Racine.

Section Eleven, Block Statistics: 11 Reports in 11 Volumes..................................................................................$3,750

Section Twelve: Census Tracts-Dubester # 1159
(For a descriptive note, see above, Section Eleven)
For a detailed description of the volumes in this section, click here

Vol. I. RPI # 236, 612 p. 088354-160-2........................................................................................................................$350
Alabama: Birmingham; California: Los Angeles-Long Beach, Oakland-Berkeley, San Francisco; Colorado: Denver; Connecticut: Hartford, New Haven; District of Columbia: Washington.

Vol. II. RPI # 237, 694 p. 088354-161-0.......................................................................................................................$350
Georgia: Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Savannah; Illinois: Chicago; Indiana: Indianapolis.

Vol. III. RPI # 238, 632 p. 088354-162-9......................................................................................................................$350
Iowa: Des Moines; Kentucky: Louisville; Louisiana: New Orleans; Massachusetts: Boston, Cambridge; Maryland: Baltimore; Michigan: Detroit, Flint.

Vol. IV. RPI # 239, 575 p. 088354-163-7.......................................................................................................................$350
Minnesota: Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul; Missouri: Kansas City, St. Louis; New Jersey: Atlantic City, Camden, Elizabeth, Jersey City, Newark, Paterson, Trenton.

Vol. V. RPI # 240, 842 p. 088354-164-5.......................................................................................................................$350
New York: Buffalo, New York, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers; Ohio: Akron, Cincin­nati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Toledo; Oklahoma: Oklahoma City; Oregon: Portland.

Vol. VI. RPI # 241, 800 p. 088354-165-3.......................................................................................................................$350
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh; Rhode Island: Providence; Tennessee: Memphis, Nashville; Texas: Austin, Dallas, Houston: Virginia: Richmond; Washington: Seattle; Wisconsin: Milwaukee.

Section Twelve: Census Tracts, 6 Reports in 6 Volumes........................................................................................$2,000
Special: Sections 11 & 12, 253 Reports in 17 volumes.........................................................................................$5,000

Decennial Census of the United States, 1940
90 Volumes; 70,000+ pages All volumes printed on acid-free paper in library bindings.

$30,000 for the complete set
(Save $3,000)

Special Price for Census Reports 1-16,
252 volumes, $80,000

Ordering Information
Please note the following:
1. We accept purchase orders by email, fax, phone or snail-mail.
2. We do not accept credit cards.
3. Any book listed above can be ordered by itself at the prices noted, plus shipping & handling.
4. Most books are in stock at all times.
5. Libraries can order groups of books, for instance for selected states, and receive special discounts. For instance, for Part One, Population, Vol. II Part 5, Vol. III Part 4 and Vol. IV Part 3 would cover all of the data in the three volumes for the state of New York and would cost $1100 instead of $1200. To complete the set a library might also wish to add Vol. I and Part 1 of the next three volumes, in which case the library would receive seven books at a cost of $2000, a savings of $400.

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