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Decennial Census of the United States


Territories and Possesions

Dubester Nos. 1112-23, 1124 & 1127-28

In a single volume--Never published by the GPO.

July 31, 2005

Note: The "Dubester Numbers" refer to entries in: United States. Library of Congress. Census Library Project. Catalog of United States Census Publications, 1790-1945. Prepared by Henry J. Dubester. Washington, D.C., G.P.O., 1950.

According to a note in Dubester's Catalog of United States Census Publications 1790-1945, "The following final reports [nos. 1112 -1123] were to have been published in a single bound volume entitled... "Territories and Possessions," but such volume was never issued." These 12 reports are now being combined and printed in a single volume for the first time (as part of the Ross Census Reprint Series). We are also incorporating 1124, 1127-28 because they all deal with the same "outlying areas." All 15 reports were originally published as bulletins by the GPO between 1941 and 1943. The following items comprise RPI # 220.

1112. Alaska. Population. Characteristics of the population (with limited data on housing). iv + 20 pp.
     This second Population bulletin for the Territory of Alaska presents data on the basic characteristics of the population, including sex, age, race, nativity, citizenship, marital status, relationship to head of household, school attendance, years of school completed, place of birth, employment status, occupation, and industry. In addition, it contains such housing subjects as tenure of home, value or monthly rent of home, and number of rooms.

1113. Hawaii. Population. Second series. Characteristics of the Population. iv + 35 pp.
     This second Population bulletin for the Territory of Hawaii presents data on the characteristics of the population, including sex, age, race, nativity, place of birth, citizenship, marital status, school attendance, highest grade of school completed, employment status, class of worker, occupation, industry, wage or salary income, and months worked in 1939.

1114. Hawaii. Housing. General Characteristics. v + 27 pp.
     Dwelling units are classified as occupied and vacant by tenure, by race of occupants, by value or monthly rent, by type of structure, by exterior material, by state of repair, by number of rooms, by size of household, and with respect to such facilities as water supply, bath and toilet facilities, electric lights, refrigeration, and radio.

1115. American Samoa. Population, Agriculture. iv + 12 pp.
     Population tables present data showing number of inhabitants by districts, 1900 to 1940 and number of inhabitants by districts, islands, counties, and villages, 1912 to 1940. The section devoted to composition and characteristics of the population presents statistics according to sex, race, nativity, age, school attendance, illiteracy, ability to speak English, family relationship, marital status, and place of birth, and includes occupation statistics for the gainfully employed. Eight tables of agricultural statistics are included.

1116. Guam. Population, Agriculture. iv + 18 pp.
     Population tables present data showing number of inhabitants at each census since 1901, population of Agaña City since 1920; population by municipalities in 1940 and 1930; and population of municipalities, by minor civil divisions, 1940. The section devoted to composition and characteristics presents statistics for the population of Guam classified according to sex, race, nativity, age, school attendance, illiteracy, ability to speak English, family relationship, tenure of homes, marital status, and place of birth, and includes occupation statistics for gainfully employed persons. Eight tables of agricultural statistics are included.

1117. Panama Canal Zone. Population. iv + 28 pp.
     Population tables present data showing number of inhabitants by districts and areas in 1940, 1930, 1920, and 1912; and the population by districts, areas, and minor civil divisions in1940. The section devoted composition and characteristics presents statistics for the population of the Panama Canal Zone classified according to sex, race, age, school attendance, education, nativity, place of birth, dwellings, citizenship status, marital status, family relationships, occupations, hours of work, weeks worked in 1939, and duration of unemployment.

1118-21. Puerto Rico. Population. (Bulletin no. 1 4). 1942 1946. 4 Parts:
     Boletín núm. 1. Número de los habitantes (Bulletin No. 1. Number of inhabitants). First series. iv + 12 pp.
Boletín núm. 2. Característuicas de la poblacíon (Bulletin No. 2. Characteristics of the Population). v + 82 pp.
This bulletin presents data on the basic characteristics of the population, including sex, age, color, nativity, place of birth, residence, citizenship, marital status, school attendance, literacy, ability to speak English, employment status, class of worker, occupation, and industry.
Boletín núm. 3. Ocupaciones y otras características por edad (Bulletin No. 3. Occupations and other characteristics by age). v + 106 pp.
The statistics on marital status, literacy, ability to speak English, and employment status are presented by age; the population in private families is classified by relationship to head of household, and workers are classified by occupation, age hours worked during the census week, and months worked in 1939, with duration of unemployment for experienced workers seeking work.
Bulletin No. 4. Migration between municipalities. iv + 81 pp.
This bulletin presents statistics on the internal migration of the population, that is, the movement from one municipality to another, or from one region to another. Migrants are classified by place of origin (residence in 1935) and destination (place of residence in 1940). Migrants are further classified by type, and both nonmigrants and migrants are classified by such general characteristics as sex, age, color, employment status, occupation, and family relationship.

1122. Puerto Rico. Viviendas. Características Generales (Housing. General Characteristics). vii + 121 pp.
     Dwelling units are classified as occupied and vacant, by tenure, by color of occupants, by value or monthly rent, by type of structure, by exterior material, by state of repair, by number of rooms, by size of household, by number of persons per room, and with respect to such facilities as water supply, bath and toilet facilities, electrical lights, refrigeration, and radio.

1123. U.S. Virgin Islands. Population and Housing. General Characteristics. iv + 22 pp.
     The characteristics of the population for which data are presented include sex, age, race, nativity, citizenship, marital status, school attendance, illiteracy, employment status, class of worker, occupation, and industry. The housing tables present statistics on occupancy and tenure of dwelling units, value or monthly rent, size of household and race of occupants, type of structure, state of repair, number of rooms, persons per room, and such housing facilities and equipment as water supply, toilet facilities, bathing equipment, lighting, refrigeration, and radio.

1124. Agriculture. Territories and Possessions.
      Reports on agriculture in the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii; and the following possessions: Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of United States. v + 306 pp. This volume incorporates the separately issued bulletins for Hawaii and Puerto Rico as well as reports for other Territories and possessions listed in the title. No Agriculture Census was taken in the Panama Canal Zone. The statistics concerning number of farms, land in farms, farm operators and tenure, livestock, and crops, are related to the agricultural activities specific to the individual Territories and possessions. The schedules employed in the Agriculture Census in each of the Territories and possessions are reproduced as appendixes at the end of each section. [This volume incorporates Bulletins 1125 & 26.]

1127. ...Manufactures: 1939. Reports for outlying areas [Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico]. iii + 38 pp.

1128. Business: 1939. Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Retail trade, wholesale trade, service establishments, places of amusement, and hotels. iii + 42 pp.
     Data are presented in this report showing establishments, personnel, operating receipts, stocks on hand, monthly employment and sex of employees, size of business, legal forms of organization; and establishments, personnel, and operating receipts by (1) judicial divisions, cities, and towns in Alaska, (2) race of owner and citizenship in Hawaii, and (3) municipalities, cities and towns in Puerto Rico. Schedule forms used for the census in the three areas are reproduced at the end of the report.

Territories & Possessions

RPI # 220, 15 Bulletins in One Volume, 750 pp.....................................................................................................$350

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