Dubester Nos. 1043-1053
3 Volumes in 10 parts
$3,500 for the complete
(Save $250)
July 1, 2005
($30,000 for the complete 16th Census, 90 volumes, 70,000+ pages)
Note: The "Dubester Numbers"
refer to entries in: United States. Library of Congress. Census Library Project.
Catalog of United States Census Publications, 1790-1945. Prepared by
Henry J. Dubester. Washington, D.C., G.P.O., 1950.
Vol. 1. Statistics for counties. Farms and farm property, with
related information for farms and farm operators, livestock and livestock products,
and crops. First and second series State reports. 6 parts.
Part 1. [New England, Middle Atlantic, and East North Central States]. 1942.
xiv, 975 p. (Dubester 1043) 088354-607-8,
RPI #189.......................................................................................................................................................................$400
Part 2. [West North Central States]. 1942. xiv, 857
p. (Dubester 1044) 088354-608-6,
RPI #190.................................................................................................................................$400
Part 3. [South Atlantic States]. 1942. xiv, 784 p. (Dubester
1045) 088354-609-4,
RPI #191...........$400
Part 4. [East South Central States]. 1943. vii, 802
p. (Dubester 1046) 088354-610-8,
RPI #192..........................................................................................................$300
Part 5. [West South Central States]. 1942. xiv, 653 p. (Dubester
1047) 088354-611-6, RPI
Part 6. [Mountain and Pacific States]. 1942. xiv,
784 p. (Dubester 1048) 088354-612-4,
RPI #194...........................................................................................................$400
This volume incorporates the first and second series State bulletins for agriculture.
In the first series the data relate, in the main, to the number, acreage, and
value of farms; the value of buildings and of implements and machinery on farms;
farm land according to its utilization; some of the foregoing items classified
by the color of the farm operator, some by the tenure of the farm operator,
and some by the size of the farm; farms reporting and number of specified classes
of livestock and poultry with some of their products; and farms reporting with
the acreage and production of specified crops harvested. In the second series,
the statistics are provided for the following items: Mortgage debt for farms
of operating owners (both full owners and part owners); taxes on farm property;
work off their farms by farm operators for pay or income; age of operators;
year of occupancy; residence of farm operators on their farms; farm labor employed
at specified times; expenditures for selected items; inventories of automobiles,
motor trucks and tractors, with the year of latest model for each general class;
availability, use, and source of electric current; whether farm has telephone;
kind of road adjoining farm; inventory of goats; mohair production; goats milked;
farm slaughter, purchases, and sales of various classes of livestock; the individual
annual legumes; clover and grass seeds; miscellaneous field crops; farm gardens;
vegetables harvested for sale; horticulture specialities; small fruits; and
tree fruits, nuts, and grapes.
Vol. 2. Statistics for Counties. Value of farm products; farms
classified by major source of income; farms classified by value of products.
Third series State reports. 3 Parts:
Part 1. The Northern States. 1942. xiv, 888 p. (Dubester
1050) 088354-613-2, RPI # 195..........................................................................................................$400
Part 2. The Southern States. 1942. xiv, 919 p. (Dubester
1051) 088354-614-0, RPI # 196..........................................................................................................$400
Part 3. The Western States. 1942. xiv, 315 p. (Dubester
1052) 088354-615-9, RPI # 197..........................................................................................................$300
This volume incorporates the third series State bulletins for agriculture. County
data are presented for amount of income received from sales of various livestock
and livestock products, field crops, vegetables, fruits and nuts, horticultural
specialties, and forest products, together with the value of farm products used
by farm households. These data are also given by income groups and by the major
source of income. In addition, data are shown for the value of livestock on
farms, the value of livestock products, and the value of all crops harvested.
The latter values, in general, are based on inventory or production multiplied
by county unit prices.
Vol. 3. General Report. Statistics by subject. 1943. 1092 p.
(Dubester 1053) 088354-616-7, RPI
# 198....................................................................................$400
Farms and farm property. Population, land area, number of farms, , farm acreage,
uses of land, and value of farm property. Size of farms. Number of farms, farm
acreage, uses of land and value of specified farm property by size of farms.
Color, tenure, and race of operator. Number of farms, farm acreage, uses of
land, and value of specified farm property; by color tenure, and race of operator.
Farm mortgages and farm taxes. Mortgage status and debt, interest rates, real
estate taxes, personal property, taxes, and related data for farms operated
by owners. Work off farm, age and years on farm. Farm operators-days and kind
of work on farm, age, and number of years on farm operated on census date. Cooperation,
labor, expenditures, machinery, facilities, and residence. Farm operators doing
business with or through cooperatives; persons working on farms during specified
weeks; specified farm expenditures; motor vehicles on farms and year of latest
model; electric, telephone, and road facilities of farms; and residence of the
farm operator on or off the farm. Livestock and livestock products. Horses and
mules, cattle and calves, dairy products, hogs and pigs, sheep and lambs and
wool produced, goats and kids and mohair produced, animals butchered, purchases
and sales, poultry and poultry products, bees and honey, and fur animals and
pelts. Field crops and vegetables. Grains, hay and forage, seeds, cotton, tobacco,
sugar crops, miscellaneous field crops, potatoes, farm gardens, and vegetables
for sale. Fruits and nuts and horticultural specialties. Small fruits harvested,
land in tree fruits, nuts and grapes, orchard, citrus, and nut trees and grapevines,
with production and value, and horticultural specialties. Volume III includes
a general introduction with discussion of scope and method of the census, reports
on agriculture, explanation of terms, and comparability of statistics. There
is an appendix which reproduces the schedules, and includes instructions to
Section Three: Agriculture, 3 Volumes in 10 parts,
Complete set.........................................................$3,500
(save $250)
($30,000 for the complete 16th Census, 90
volumes, 70,000+ pages)