Norman Ross
Norman Ross has been a publisher and distributor of microfilms since 1964!
In 1972 he launched his first firm, Clearwater Publishing, which in addition
to creating many landmark collections of microfilms and fiche, became the
first company in the United States to specialize in importing microfilms
from all over the world. Ross also originated the concept of working with
libraries to make their own, existing, microfilm holdings more readily
available to libraries elsewhere.
In 1987 he sold Clearwater to Congressional Information Service and launched
Norman Ross Publishing (NRP), which became the clearing house for microfilms
from all over the world, selling Japanese titles to libraries in Hong Kong,
Australian films to libraries in Finland, and German newspapers on film to
libraries in Australia. In this way he not only made it extremely easy for
libraries to fill gaps in their holdings, he also enabled many libraries to
reduce their costs by earning money selling duplicates of their films to libraries
thousands of miles away-or right nearby.
In 2002 NRP was acquired by ProQuest Information & Learning and Norman
became the Executive Director of Norman Ross Publishing/UMI. In the meantime
he launched his third company, Ross Publishing, which specializes in reprinting
the U.S. Decennial Census and related titles, and in Slavic Studies. In 2008
Ross Publishing expanded into the microfilm business once again, and is now
an important source of microfilms from all over the world, especially of newspapers
on microfilm. Between 2002 and 2007 thousands of people searched for microfilm
titles on the Ross Publishing website, with virtually zero success, but almost
none of them asked for help. Therefore, Norman has decided to provide a free
search service for libraries searching for microfilm titles. So if your library
requires any films you are otherwise unable to locate, please feel free to
click on the link above and to let us know what you need.
Ross Publishing LLC
392 Central Park West, Suite 20C,
New York, NY 10025-5878
Tel: 212‑765‑8200 -- Fax: 866‑755‑2780
info@rosspub.com -- www.rosspub.com