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Decennial Census of the United States


Note: The Dubester numbers cited below refer to entries in: United States. Library of Congress. Census Library Project. Catalog of United States Census Publications, 1790-1945. Prepared by Henry J. Dubester. Washington, D.C., G.P.O., 1950.

Eighth U.S. Census, 1860, in 4 volumes

Volume 1: Population of the United States in 1860; comp. from the original returns of the Eighth Census... (Dubester 37) (RPI # 16) 0-88354-416-4

Volume 2: Agriculture of the United States in 1860; comp. from the original returns of the eighth census... (Dubester 38) (RPI # 17) 0-88354-417-2

Volume 3: Manufactures of the United States in 1860, comp. from the original returns of the eighth census... (Dubester 39) (RPI # 18) 0-88354-418-0

Volume 4: Statistics of the United States, (including mortality, property,&c.) in 1860; comp. from the original returns and being the final exhibit of the eighth census... (Dubester 40) (RPI # 19) 0-88354-419-9

Individual Volumes.................................................................................................................................................$250
All Four volumes.....................................................................................................................................................$900

Ninth U.S. Census, 1870, in 5 volumes

Volume 1: The statistics of the population of the United States, embracing the tables of race, nationality, sex, selected ages, and occupations..., [including separates] (Dubester 45) (RPI # 20) 0-88354-420-2

Volume 2: The vital statistics of the United States, embracing the tables of deaths, births, sex, and age, to which are added the statistics of the blind, the deaf and dumb, the insane, and the idiotic...,[including separates] (Dubester 49) (RPI # 21) 0-88354-421-0

Volume 3: The statistics of the wealth and industry of the United States, embracing the tables of wealth, taxation and public indebtedness..., [including separates] (Dubester 52) (RPI # 22) 0-88354-422-9

Volume 4: A compendium of the Ninth Census (June 1, 1870) compiled pursuant to a concurrent resolution of Congress... (Dubester 57) (RPI # 23) 0-88354-423-7

Individual volumes above...........................................................................................................................................$250

Statistical Atlas for the 9th Census, 1870, 121 p., 69 in color, 12½x17½”
(Dubester 55; RPI #22-A, 0-88354-241-2)...................................................................................$450

All Five volumes................................................................................................................................................$1300

SPECIAL PRICE FOR CENSUS REPORTS 1-9, 1790-1870, 24 volumes, ca. 10,000 pages (save $900)........................................................................................................................................$4,900

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