Now Available- 17th Census!                     


A Reprint Edition of the

17th Census, 1950






As in 1930 and 1940, the 1950 Census was conducted according to the terms of the Fifteenth Census Act. The enumeration began on April 1, 1950, with 90 percent of the population having been enumerated by the end of the month. All but 1 percent of the population had been enumerated by the end of June 1950. The 1950 census was the first to include the publisher of these reprints!

The 1950 census encompassed the continental United States, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, American Samoa, the Canal Zone, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and some of the smaller islands and island groups that were United States possessions. The census also made special provisions for the enumeration of American citizens living abroad, and their dependents, including the armed forces of the United States, employees of the United States Government, and the crews of vessels in the American Merchant Marine at sea or in foreign ports.

The final reports of the 1950 Census were published in three series: Population, Housing and Agriculture.

COMPLETE SET, 12 volumes in 88 bindings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 19,000


Census of Population, 4 volumes in 61 bindings

Vol. I. Number of Inhabitants.  1,428 p., RPI #  242............................................................... This volume is out of print.

This volume presents statistics on the number of inhabitants for states, counties, and minor civil divisions (townships, etc.), with separate figures for cities and other incorporated places, for unincorporated places, for wards of cities of 5,000 inhabitants or more, and for urbanized areas. There are separate chapters for each state, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, and one for American Samoa, the Canal Zone, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Volume I contains numerous population maps of the U.S., including showing the location of Standardized Areas. For each state, there are maps showing Minor Civil Divisions, Election Precincts, and Urbanized Areas.


Vol. II. Characteristics of the Population. 54 parts in 51 bindings, set price (save $3,000). $ 9,900

This volume presents statistics on the size, distribution and characteristics of the total population of the U.S. Some summary data for the several states, territories, possessions, etc., are also provided. This volume is divided into a U.S. Summary part, a part for each state, and parts for the territories and possessions, etc. For each state, there are maps showing Minor Civil Divisions, Urbanized Areas and Counties. 

Part  1   U.S. Summary, xi, 486 p. RPI #  243  (deduct $100 when purchased with any other volume).......... This volume is out of print.

Part  2   Alabama, xxxi, 258 p. RPI #  244............................................................................................. $ 250

Part  3   Arizona, xxxi, 144 p. RPI #  245............................................................................................... $ 200

Part  4   Arkansas, xxxi, 208 p. RPI #  246............................................................................................ $ 200

Part  5   California, xxxi, 483 p. RPI #  247............................................................................................ $ 450

Part  6   Colorado, xxxi, 182 p. RPI #  248 ............................................................................................ $ 200

Part  7   Connecticut, xxxi, 242 p. RPI #  249....................................................................................... $ 200

Part  8   Delaware, xxxi, 132 p. RPI #  250............................................................................................ $ 150

Part  9   District of Columbia, xxvii, 106 p. RPI #  251 ....................................................................... $ 150

Part 10  Florida, xxxi, 305 p. RPI #  252................................................................................................. $ 300

Part 11  Georgia, xxxi, 350 p. RPI #  253................................................................................................ $ 350

Part 12  Idaho, xxxi, 140 p. RPI #  254................................................................................................... $ 150

Part 13  Illinois, xxxi, 347 p. RPI #  255................................................................................................. $ 350

Part 14  Indiana, xxxi, 290 p. RPI #  256................................................................................................ $ 250

Part 15  Iowa, xxxi, 238 p. RPI #  257..................................................................................................... $ 200

Part 16  Kansas, xxxi, 222 p. RPI #  258................................................................................................ $ 200

Part 17  Kentucky, xxxi, 263 p. RPI #  259............................................................................................ $ 250

Part 18  Louisiana, xxxi, 248 p. RPI #  260............................................................................................ $ 200

Part 19  Maine, xxxi, 132 p. RPI #  261.................................................................................................. $ 150

Part 20  Maryland, xxxi, 178 p. RPI #  262............................................................................................ $ 200

Part 21  Massachusetts, xxxi, 308 p. RPI #  263.................................................................................. $ 300

Part 22  Michigan, xxxi, 348 p. RPI #  264............................................................................................ $ 300

Part 23  Minnesota, xxxi, 259 p. RPI #  265.......................................................................................... $ 250

Part 24  Mississippi, xxxi, 206 p. RPI #  266......................................................................................... $ 200

Part 25  Missouri, xxxi, 304 p. RPI #  267.............................................................................................. $ 300

Part 26  Montana, xxxi, 144 p. RPI #  268.............................................................................................. $ 200

Part 27  Nebraska, xxxi, 204 p. RPI #  269.............................................................................................. $ 200

Part 28  Nevada, xxxi, 104 p. RPI #  270................................................................................................. $ 150

Part 29  New Hampshire, xxxi, 108 p. RPI #  271................................................................................... $ 150

Part 30  New  Jersey, xxxi, 272 p. RPI #  272.......................................................................................... $ 250

Part 31  New Mexico, xxx, 138 p. RPI #  273.......................................................................................... $ 150

Part 32  New York, xxxi, 460 p. RPI #  274.............................................................................................. $ 450

Part 33  North Carolina, xxxi, 284 p. RPI #  275...................................................................................... $ 250

Part 34  North Dakota, xxxi, 140 p. RPI #  276........................................................................................ $ 150

Part 35  Ohio, xxxi, 520 p. RPI #  277....................................................................................................... $ 500

Part 36  Oklahoma, xxxi, 256 p. RPI #  278.............................................................................................. $ 250

Part 37  Oregon, xxxi, 174 p. RPI #  279.................................................................................................. $ 200

Part 38  Pennsylvania, xxxi, 544 p. RPI #  280....................................................................................... $ 500

Part 39  Rhode Island, xxxi, 134 p. RPI #  281....................................................................................... $ 150

Part 40  South Carolina, xxxi, 199 p. RPI #  282.................................................................................... $ 250

Part 41  South Dakota, xxxi, 153 p. RPI #  283...................................................................................... $ 200

Part 42  Tennessee, xxxi, 328 p. RPI #  284........................................................................................... $ 300

Part 43  Texas, xxxi, 607 p. RPI #  285.................................................................................................... $ 550

Part 44  Utah, xxxi, 154 p. RPI #  286...................................................................................................... $ 150

Part 45  Vermont, xxxi, 98 p. RPI #  287................................................................................................. $ 150

Part 46  Virginia, xxxi, 310 p. RPI #  288................................................................................................. $ 300

Part 47  Washington, xxxi, 239 p. RPI #  289 ....................................................................................... $ 200

Part 48  West Virginia, xxxi, 230 p. RPI #  290...................................................................................... $ 200

Part 49  Wisconsin, xxxi, 230 p. RPI #  291........................................................................................... $ 200

Part 50  Wyoming, xxxi, 116 p. RPI #  292............................................................................................. $ 150

Part 51-4  Territories & Possessions, 591 p. RPI #  293 .................................................................... $ 550

(51. Alaska, xiv, 87 p.; 51. Hawaii xviii, 154 p.; 53. Puerto Rico xv, 217;

54. America Samoa, Canal Zone, Guam & U.S. Virgin Islands 86 p.)


Vol. III. Census Tract Statistics.  64 reports in 4 bindings. RPI #  294-297. Set price......... This set is out of print.

Part 1    AkronBDayton.  933 p. RPI #  294 ......................................................................................

Part 2    DenverBNashville. 923 p. RPI #  295 ...................................................................................

Part 3    New HavenBPhiladelphia. 1,015 p. RPI #  296 ...................................................................

Part 4    PittsburghBWichita, Honolulu and adjacent area. 845 p. RPI #  297 .............................


Vol. IV. Special Reports.  19 reports in 5 bindings, RPI #  298-302. Set price..................... $ 1,200

Part 1    Employment, 578 p. RPI #  298.................................................................................................. $ 300

A: Employment and Personal Characteristics            B: Occupational Characteristics 

C: Occupation by Industry                                    D: Industrial Characteristics 

Part 2    Families, 568 p., RPI #  299..................................................................................................... $ 300

A: General Characteristics of Families                     B: Characteristics of Families (never published)

C: Institutional Population                                    D: Marital Status 

E: Duration of Current Marital Status 

Part 3    Origins, 480 p., RPI # 300....................................................................................................... $ 300

A: Nativity and Parentage                                                 B: Nonwhite Population by Race 

C: Persons of Spanish Surname                             D: Puerto Ricans in Continental U.S. 

Part 4    Mobility of the Population, RPI # 301................................................................................... $ 300

A: State of Birth                                                             B: Population Mobility‑States and Economic Areas 

C: Population Mobility ‑ Farm ‑ Nonfarm Movers  D: Population Mobility‑Characteristics of Immigrants 

Part 5    Miscellaneous, 389 p. RPI # 302........................................................................................... $ 300

A: Characteristics by Size of Place                                      B: Education 

C: Fertility 

Complete Census of Population, 4 volumes in 61 bindings........................................... $ 12,000


Census of Housing, 5 volumes in 24 bindings

Vol. I. General Characteristics.  7 parts. RPI # 303-309, Set price...................................... $ 2,900

This volume contains data on practically all subjects enumerated in the 1950 Census of Housing. Part 1 presents statistics on the general characteristics of dwelling units for continental U.S., regions, and geographic divisions, as well as summaries of the statistics for the states and the District of Columbia, standard metropolitan areas, cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more, and urbanized areas.  In the state chapters (Parts 2 to 6), statistics are presented for the state by residence (urban, rural nonfarm, and rural farm), standard metropolitan areas, urbanized areas, counties, urban places, places of 1,000 to 2,500 inhabitants, and rural‑nonfarm and rural‑farm portions of counties. Part 7 presents statistics for territories and possessions. Contains maps of regions and geographical Divisions for the U.S., and for each state, maps of Standard Metropolitan Areas, Counties, and Urbanized Areas. 

Part 1    United States Summary, 153 p. RPI # 303.............................................................................. $ 150

Part 2    Alabama-Georgia, 805 p., RPI # 304........................................................................................ $ 550

Part 3    Idaho-Massachusetts, 815 p., RPI # 305................................................................................ $ 550

Part 4    Michigan-New York, 863 p. RPI # 306.................................................................................... $ 550

Part 5    North Carolina-Tennessee, 883 p., RPI # 307........................................................................ $ 550

Part 6    Texas-Wyoming, 710 p., RPI # 308.......................................................................................... $ 550

Part 7    Territories and Possessions (Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands),

128 p., RPI # 309.......................................................................................................................... $ 150



Vol II. Non-Farm Housing Characteristics. 5 parts, RPI # 310-314, set price..................... $ 1,900

Part 1.   United States and Divisions, 422 p., RPI # 310....................................................................... $ 400

Part 2.   AkronBDes Moines, 715 p., RPI # 311..................................................................................... $ 500

Part 3.   DetroitBMemphis, 617 p., RPI # 312......................................................................................... $ 500

Part 4.   MiamiBSalt Lake City, 738 p., RPI # 313................................................................................... $ 500

Part 5.   San AntonioBYoungstown, 890 p., RPI # 314........................................................................ $ 550


Vol. III. Farm Housing CharacteristicsBUnited States and

Economic Subregions. 279 p. RPI # 315.................................................................................. $ 300

This volume presents statistics on housing and household characteristics of rural‑farm occupied dwellings for the U.S. and for each of the 119 economic subregions.


Vol. IV. Residential Financing, Mortgaged Nonfarm Properties. 2 parts, RPI # 316-317..... $ 900

This volume presents data relating to the characteristics of the financing of residential nonfarm properties for the U.S., for each of the four regions, and for each of 25 large standard metropolitan areas. Part 1 contains data on interrelationships of various characteristics of the property, the owner, and the mortgage for the U.S. and the four regions. Part 2 contains less extensive data for each of the 25 largest standard metropolitan areas. 

Part 1    The United States, 643 p., RPI # 316..................................................................................... $ 500

Part 2    Large Standard Metropolitan Areas and Comparable Data for the United States. (Albany, NY;  Atlanta, GA; Cincinnati, Cleveland & Youngstown, OH; Milwaukee, WI; Minneapolis, MN; Philadelphia & Pittsburgh, PA; Seattle, WA; Washington, DC) 809 p., RPI # 317.................................................................................................................................. $ 500


Vol. V. Block Statistics. 9 parts, RPI #  318-326, set price................................................... $ 4,000

Part 1    Akron-Camden, 1008 p., RPI # 318.......................................................................................... $ 550

Part 2    Canton-Decatur, 843 p., RPI # 319........................................................................................... $ 550

Part 3    Denver-Holyoke, 1094 p., RPI # 320........................................................................................ $ 550

Part 4    Houston-Los Angeles, 762, 275 p., RPI # 321........................................................................ $ 500

Part 5    Louisville-Newton, 193, 650 p., RPI # 322............................................................................... $ 500

Part 6    New York City-Peoria, 174, 675 p., RPI # 323.......................................................................... $ 500

Part 7    Philadelphia-Sacramento, 995 p., RPI # 324............................................................................ $ 550

Part 8    Saginaw-Spokane, 1004 p., RPI # 325...................................................................................... $ 550

Part 9    Springfield-Youngstown, 951 p., RPI # 326............................................................................ $ 550


Complete Census of Housing, 5 volumes in 24 parts....................................................... $ 8,000


1950 Census of Agriculture, 3 volumes, RPI #  327-329, set price....................................... $ 1,300

Vol. I.  Counties and State Economic Areas. (Omitted from the reprint edition)


Vol. II. General Report. Farms, Farm Characteristics, Livestock and Products, Crops, Fruits &

Values. 1355 p., RPI # 327........................................................................... $ 600


Vol. III. Irrigation of Agricultural Lands: The United States, 8 chapters, 1014 p., RPI # 328.. $ 600


Vol. IV. Drainage of Agricultural Lands, Enterprises, Land Drained, Works, Cost, Collection & Indebtedness, 307 p., RPI # 329..................................................................................... $ 300


[Vol. V. Special Reports. Farms and Farm PeopleBPopulation, Income and Housing Characteristics by Economic Class of Farm. (Omitted from the reprint edition)

COMPLETE SET, 12 volumes in 88 bindings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 19,000


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